Holy Name Society
Induction - January 21, 2007


On Sunday, January 21, 2006, a ceremony to induct new members into the Holy Name Society was performed by Rev. Fr. Thomas Naughton, Administrator of Holy Trinity Church. After the hymn, Veni Creator Spiritus, was chanted by the Schola Amicorum led by Mr. John Salisbury, two member-candidates promised to respect and love the Sacred Name of Jesus and to follow the precepts of the Holy Name Society by avoiding blasphemous and obscene speech, observing Sundays and Holy Days of Obligations, and by receiving Holy Communion regularly with the Society.   One additional member-candidate was inducted in absentia.



Holy Name Society members assemble for the Induction Ceremony




Candidates are presented to Father Thomas Naughton for Induction



Holy Name members kneel during the "Veni Creator Spiritus."


Father Naughton receives the new members into the Society


Newly inducted members recite the Holy Name Pledge



Members recite the Holy Name Pledge


Father Naughton blesses the Holy Name emblems and manuals

Father Naughton hands the blessed emblems to the new member saying, "Accept Brother these emblems of the Confraternity of the Most Holy Name of Jesus; may they be to you a pledge of eternal salvation."

(L-R Front) Ed Long, Leo Higgins, Fred Long, Carl J. Camelo, Jr., Dan Guilderson
(L-R Back) Joseph Harzbecker, Rob Quagan, Jim McCloskey, Bill Fall,
Father Thomas Naughton (Administrator of Holy Trinity Church), Charles Donovan, Charles Brusard

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