Article 1: Mission Statement
The primary objective of our Holy
Name Society is to promote reverence for the Most Holy Trinity and to praise and venerate
Gods Most Holy Name. In order to
accomplish this goal, the Societys members will foster respect and love for the
Sacred Name of Jesus, abstain from blasphemous and immodest language, observe
Sundays and Holy Days of Obligation, and receive Holy Communion regularly with the
Society. |
Article 2: The Societys Beliefs
1. The Society pledges its fidelity to the Holy
Catholic Church and firmly embraces all
of her teachings in their entirety as set forth by the Solemn and Ordinary Magisterium.
2. The Society holds sacred Catholic traditions
and practices, which stem from Sacred Scripture, the Churchs apostolic tradition,
and the Churchs ecumenical councils.
3. The Society recognizes the crucial role of
prayer in our daily lives and encourages its members to regularly attend Holy Mass and to
offer private prayers daily.
4. The Society supports those apparitions
declared authentic by our Holy Mother the Church, but cannot give its support to those
awaiting Church approval. |
Article 3: The Societys Works
1. To promote reverence for the Holy Name of
2. To pray and do penance to offer reparation
for sin, particularly for acts committed against
the Second Commandment.
3. To foster an observance of the promises in the
Holy Name Pledge.
4. To pray and to receive Holy Communion together
on at least a monthly basis.
5. To sponsor periods of recollection and annual
6. To educate our members and others on the
essentials of our Catholic faith and on
the teachings of our Holy Mother the Church.
7. To sponsor lectures and discussions on matters
of Church doctrine and spirituality.
8. To provide others, who are outside of our
Confraternity, with information on the goals and works of the Society.
9. To foster a spirit of Catholic fraternity in
our Society and within our parish.
10. To assist our Administrator and other parish groups in a
spirit of true stewardship. |
Article 4: Member Candidates
1. All men of the parish, who are practicing
Catholics and who at least 12 years of age, are eligible to become candidates for
admission into the Society.
2. Candidates become full members only after they
have been formally received into the Society at an induction ceremony, which is normally
held on Holy Name Sunday, i.e., on the Sunday between the Feast of the Circumcision and
the Epiphany. If
there is no Sunday between these two feasts, then the induction ceremony will be held on
the 2nd Sunday in January.
3. Until their induction Member candidates, who
have yet to be inducted may attend the Societys meetings and functions, but they
have no vote may not vote.
4. At the Societys regular meeting prior to
the induction ceremony, a list of the candidates seeking admission will be presented to
the membership for consideration by the Chairman of the Membership Committee.
5. If a member believes that a candidates
admission would be harmful to the mission and functioning of the Society, the
candidates application can be deferred for a year, after which time the candidate is
free to apply again.
6. The member must address his concerns to the
other members, explaining specifically how the candidates admission would be harmful
to the Society.
7. Using paper ballots, the members must vote in
a spirit of fraternal charity to decide if the candidates application should be
deferred. A two-thirds majority is needed to
defer membership for a one-year period.
8. The challenging member is entitled to vote.
9. If the vote is for deferment, the result of
the vote is to be delivered to the candidate by the Chairman of the Membership Committee. |
Article 5: Membership
1. Once a person becomes a member of the Holy
Name Society, he cannot be terminated from the Confraternity for failure to pay dues,
attend meetings, or go to Holy Communion with the Society.
2. His membership, however, may be deemed
inactive; and he may be dropped from the Society's mailing list after an extended period
of non-attendance at Society activities.
3. A member can be expelled from the Society, if
his public behavior is deemed to be inconsistent with the moral teachings of the Catholic
4. For this to happen, a member must address his
concerns to the other members, explaining specifically why the membership of the
individual in question should be terminated.
5. Using paper ballots, the members must vote in
a spirit of fraternal charity to decide if the member should be expelled. A two-thirds majority is needed to terminate the
6. The challenging member is entitled to vote.
7. If the vote is for expulsion, the result of
the vote is to be delivered to the member by the Societys President or, if the
President is removed, by the Vice President.
8. The Societys Spiritual Director or
Administrator can overturn the expulsion, if he is in possession
of information about the individual that is not known by the membership. |
Article 6: Dues
1. It is up to the Executive Board to determine
how the Society will support itself financially.
2. In order to institute a system of dues, a
majority vote by the membership is needed.
3. If dues are not assessed, the Executive Board
is to determine alternative means of raising capital, such as sponsoring fund raising
activities, in order to meet the Societys financial obligations. |
Article 7: The Societys Meetings
1. The Societys regular meetings will
ordinarily be held after the noon-day Mass on the second Sunday of each month.
2. Before each meeting, the Societys
members are encouraged to congregate in pews reserved by an assigned marshal or designee
so that the Societys members can pray Holy Mass and receive Holy Communion
3. When scheduling conflicts arise, the date and
time of these meetings may be changed.
4. The Society does not ordinarily meet during
the months of July and August, however, members who are attending Holy Mass at Holy
Trinity on the second Sundays of these months are encouraged to sit as a group and receive
Holy Communion together.
5. The agenda of the meeting is to be determined
by the President and Secretary, or in their absence, by another member of the Executive
6. The banner of the Society should be publicly
displayed at all Society meetings and events. |
1. The Executive Board of the Society is composed
of the Societys President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer.
2. Decisions by the Executive Board shall be
reached by a majority vote of the members present and voting.
3. Advance notice of Board meetings is to be
given to the Societys members.
4. Observers are allowed to attend Board meetings
and may participate in the discussion, but cannot vote.
5. The Executive Board may, without a vote, set
limits on the extent of their participation and can order the meeting into executive
6. The members of the Society are encouraged to
make their suggestions known to the members of the Board.
Specific proposals may be submitted in writing.
7. The Parishs Administrator should be
considered the final authority with all of the Societys actions subject to their
approval. |
Article 9: Meeting Quorum
1. To constitute a quorum, one third of the
members must be present at either a Board or Society meeting.
2. If a
quorum is not reached, discussions may still be held, but no official business can take
place. |
Article 10: Officers and their Duties
As chief executive of the Society, his duties include:
1. Preside at all meetings of the Society and of
the Executive Board;
2. Appoint the Chairman of the Standing
3. Plan the meetings and activities of the
Society and to hold the officers responsible for the activities entrusted to them in
consultation with the Executive Board.
4. Represent the Society at the meetings of the
Archdiocesan Union and of the Deanery if feasible, and to present a report of the
transactions of these meetings to the Society and the Executive Board;
5. Sign all official documents and papers of the
6. Perform such other duties as are usually
attached to the Office of President.
His duties include:
1. The Vice President shall have all the powers
and perform all the duties of the President in his absence.
2. He shall be the ex-officio Chairman of the
Membership Committee.
His duties include:
1. Keep a record of the proceedings of the
Society and Executive Board meetings and read these minutes at the following meetings;
2. Conduct the correspondence of the Society;
3. Notify the members of the date and time of the
monthly Communion and meeting;
4. Notify the members of the date and time of the
Executive Board meetings;
5. Receive and file the reports of all Committee
6. Maintain an accurate membership roster;
7. Sign all documents, resolutions and papers of
the Society;
8. Attend, if feasible, all meetings of the
Diocesan Union and of the deanery.
His duties include:
1. Notify the members the time for paying dues or
annual contributions, if applicable;
2. Collect any and all other monies of the
Society and deposit the same in an authorized depository.
3. Pay all obligations of the Society after they
have been authorized.
4. Keep vouchers for all disbursements;
5. Keep a record of all monies received and
6. Present a report on the financial condition of
the Society at all meetings of the Society and of the Executive Board.
Their duty is to be represent the Society at all meetings of the Archdiocesan Union of
Holy Name Societies.
VI. Marshal(s) (Number
determined by the Executive Board) |
His (their) duties include:
1. Sets up monthly meetings, reserves pew space
for monthly Communion, calls the Roll, and has charge of all physical arrangements of the
2. He purchases meeting supplies.
3. He keeps all of the Societys supplies
under his custody.
VII. Youth
Representative |
His duties include:
1. Represents the interests of the younger
members of the Society, i.e., those members under the age of 18.
2. Oversees the youth activities of the Society.
Spiritual Director A Priest
His duties include:
1. Assists the members in doctrinal and spiritual
2. Leads the Society in prayer.
3. Is an ex-officio member of the Executive Board |
Article 11: Committees
Are assigned for the permanent activity of the Society.
Their tenure parallels that of the Societys officers:
1. Spirituality
and prayer
2. Catholic
3. Membership |
4. Sick
and Vigil
5. Stewardship
6. Nominations
II. Special Committees
Perform a one-time function for the Society, and when their work has been completed, the
committee is dissolved.
1. Communion Breakfast
2. Other committees as determined by the
President and the Executive Board |
Article 12: Committee Chairman
1. Functions as a member of the Executive Board.
2. Is responsible for the particular work or
activity of his committee.
3. Periodically delivers reports to the other
members of the Executive Board.
4. Functions within the authority granted to his
committee by the Executive Board. |
Article 13: Nominations and Elections
1. The Chairman of the Nominating Committee is to
be elected at the April meeting (or at least two months prior to an election).
2. At the May meeting, the Chairman should
present the Society with a slate of candidates and then solicit nominations from the
3. Elections are to take place at the June
4. To be nominated for an office, the person
should be present at the meeting, unless he had indicated a willingness to serve prior to
the meeting.
5. Normally, no person is to hold more than one
office at a time nor should he serve for more than five consecutive years. |
Article 14: Association with Other Groups
1. The Society is expected to cooperate with the
Archdiocesan Union of Holy Name Societies and is to annually send them a donation.
2. The Society, from time to time, will
co-sponsor activities with the Ladys Sodality, the Knights of Columbus, and other
parish organizations. |
Article 15: Amendments
1. No amendments shall be made to this
constitution, except at a regular meeting of the Society.
A two-thirds (change from ¾) vote of those present is needed for passage.
2. No amendments shall be made unless a formal
notice of the proposed amendment has been presented at a previous Society meeting or a
meeting scheduled for the purpose.
3. The voting of amendments is to take place
after an open discussion, and voting is to be done by written ballot. |
Article 16: Official Handbook of the Holy Name
The Manual in its current edition,
which is presented to each member at his induction into the Society, is to be considered
the main source of information in regards to the operation of the Society. |