A Solemn
High Tridentine Mass closed the 31st Annual National Holy Name Society Convention |
The 31st Annual National Convention of Holy Name Societies was held in
Boston from August 29 through September 2, 2001. The final liturgy on the convention's
schedule was of a Solemn High Traditional Latin Mass (1962 Missal), sung at Holy Trinity
(German) Church. The liturgy was celebrated by Rev. Fr. Harold Johnson (senior priest, retired), who serves as the spiritual director for the Holy Name Society at Holy Trinity. Both the deacon and subdeacon for the Mass were seminarians from the parish: Mr. Harry Kaufman, who served as sub-deacon, is studying at Pope John XXIII Seminary for the Archdiocese of Boston, while Rev. Mr. Domenic Gentile, FSSP, the liturgy's deacon, is in training with the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter at their seminary in Denton, Nebraska (Holy Trinity also has a third seminarian studying with the Priestly Fraternity). The parish's three choirs combined under the direction of music director, Mr. George
Krim, to sing the following program for the Mass: |
of Service and Music
The Aspérges |
Prayers at the Foot of the Altar |
Incensing the High Altar |
The Epistle |
The Gospel |
Incensing the Celebrant after the Gospel |
Rev. Fr. Johnson delivering his sermon |
The Preface |
The Canon |
Reception after Mass for the Conventioneers |
(L-R) Ed Perry, President - HNS at Holy Trinity,
Rev. Fr. Harold Johnson, |