Induction Ceremony |
According to our chapter's constitution, once a member-candidate's
application for admission into the Holy Name Society has been approved by a vote of the
confraternity's membership, he can become a voting member of the Society only after he has
been formally received through an induction ceremony. The Membership Induction Ceremony is generally conducted once a year. Additional ceremonies can be scheduled, however, if there are enough member-candidates to warrant one. |
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The induction ceremony begins with the singing of "O Holy Name" (a hymn written by Boston Archbishop, William Cardinal O'Connell), opening remarks by the moderator (seen here), and prayers for those member-candidates who have asked to be admitted into the Holy Name Society that God may bless their intentions and strengthen their resolutions. . |
All kneel as the choir chants the hynm, "Veni Creator Spiritus". During this period of meditation, we ask the Holy Ghost to cleanse our hearts and minds that we may be able to perfectly love Our Lord and worthily praise His Holy Name. | ![]() |
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Those member-candidates who wish to be inducted are called forth and are asked to kneel along the altar rail. |
The priest-celebrant then questions the member-candidates on their intentions, and asks them if they are truly ready to follow the precepts and code of conduct of the confraternity. | ![]() |
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Having promised
to keep the precepts of the Society, they officially become members, once they have
recited the Holy Name Pledge . |
Metal pins,
which Holy Name men wear on their labels as a sign of membership, and copies of the Holy
Name manual are blessed by the priest-celebrant with the words, "Benedictionem
tuam effunde super hæc
insignia: et præsta
ut quisquis eis secundum legem et voluntatem tuam cum gratiarum actione usus fuerit, per invocationem Sanctissimi Nominis tui, corporis sanitatem et animæ tutelam, te auctore percipiat." (Translated in the ceremony's text below) |
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The newly
inducted candidates receive their pins and manuals as the priest-celebrant recites the
words, "Accept Brother these emblems of the Confraternity of the Most Holy
Name of Jesus; may they be to you a pledge of eternal salvation." |
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X Blessing and Presentation
of the Societys Insignia X
Moderator: We now have the blessing of the Holy Name Insignia
and Manuals.
saying Amen candidates should kneel at the altar rail. The emblems and |
Priest: Accept Brother these emblems of the
Confraternity of the Most Holy Name of Jesus; may they be to you a pledge of eternal
salvation. |
[Once the insignias have been distributed, the ceremony continues with the following prayer.] |
Priest: Sit Nomen Domini benedictum. ALL:
Ex hoc nunc et usque in sæculum. Priest:
Domine exaudi orationem meam. ALL: Et clamor meus ad te veniat. ALL:
Et cum spiritu tuo. Priest: Oremus. Respice quæsumus Domine super hos famulos tuos, qui inter confratres Societatis Sanctissimi Nominis tui connumerari desiderant, ut Nomini tuo psallentes et benedicentes in terris, te laudare et benedicere mereantur in clis. Per Christum Dominum nostrum.
Priest: Blessed be the Name of the Lord. ALL:
Now and forever. Priest:
Lord hear my prayer. ALL:
And let my cry come to Thee. ALL: And also with you. Priest:
Let us pray. Look down, we beseech
Thee, O Lord, upon Thy servants who wish to be numbered among the brethren of the
Confraternity of Thy Most Holy Name, that praising and blessing Thy Name on earth, they
may merit to praise and bless Thee in Heaven. Through
Christ our Lord.
X Plenary Indulgence X |
In order to gain the Plenary Indulgence attached to your reception into the
Society, we will say one Our Father, one Hail Mary, and one Glory be for the intentions of
the Holy Father. Our Father, Hail
Mary, Glory be to the Father. |
Priest: Dominus vobiscum. ALL:
Et cum spiritu tuo. Priest: Oremus. Deus, cujus misericordiæ non est numerus, et bonitatis infinitus est thesaurus: tuæ piissimæ majestati pro collatis nobis donis gratias agimus, tuam semper clementiam exorantes, ut, qui petenibus postulata concedis, eosdem non deserens ad præmia futura disponas. Per Christum Dominum nostrum. |
Priest: The Lord be with you. ALL:
And also with you. Priest: Let us pray. O God, whose mercy is boundless and whose goodness is infinite, we give thanks to Thy most gracious majesty for gathering us together, always praying Thy clemency, that Thou may fulfill the requests of those who ask, and so dispose then that they may merit rewards in the days to come. Through Christ our Lord. |
ALL: Amen. |
ALL: Amen. |